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Showing posts with the label frown

Do Smiling And Frowning Causes Wrinkles?

Last week while trying to answer questions on Yahoo Answers, I came across series of questions relating to whether or not frowning and smiling causes wrinkles. I felt it would be proper to write on the above topic to help those who would be interested in the above topic to get answers.   Does frowning causes wrinkles? The answer to the question above is ….. YES!!! I know many people when asked the same question would answer likewise. I guess this is so because much has been said about frowning. Frowning is one of the major causes of facial wrinkles caused by facial expression. The area of the face prone to wrinkles when you frown is the area between the brow and this is known or referred to as frown lines. Does smiling causes wrinkles? If the above question was asked many years ago, many people would have said ‘no’. in the past people believed that frowning is the cause of wrinkles not smiling. And this is evident in movies, books which suggest this in some quarters

Does Frowning Shorten Lifespan?

This post was necessitated by one of my readers who asked a question in the comment section of one of my post on Reasons to Smile More and Frown Less . I have since posted a reply and promise to post a short post on the topic so that other readers who may as well have this kind of question in mind may also benefit. Does Frowning Shorten Lifespan? Frowning does no directly cause or shorten lifespan.  But, some of the causes of frowning may lead to shorten lifespan. For instance, someone who smokes is likely going to frown which can cause frown lines to develop on the forehead as well as wrinkles on the skin. This is because smoke causes a drop in the production of collagen and elastin in the body. These two proteins are known to keep our body together. The same person that smokes is likely going to die young. So, cigarette can cause one to frown and can also shortens lifespan. Another example is stress. Someone who is stressed is likely going to frown. If the stress is not pro

How to Stop Frowning

Frowning had become part of so many people. The question is why do people frown? My investigation through interaction with people and from experience proved that people frown for some reasons. People frown when they are stressed, worked-up, etc.; some when they keep malice; when they are disturbed; when they are angry, etc. The funniest thing is that most people who frown don’t even know they do! When confronted with the question “do you frown?” their reply is most time like this “do I frown?”! Baby Frowning Some people who frown actually know they do, but they can’t actually help it. That is why I put it upon myself to investigate the causes of frowning and the ways one can actually stop it.  I went to a bank sometime to withdraw money. It was on weekend and since most bank open half day on Saturday and don’t open at all on Sundays, there was many customers in the bank that day trying to make one form of transaction to another. So, there was queue on the withdraw

Best Ways To Prevent Frown Lines

Prevention they say is better than cure. It is one of the best ways to stop frown lines on the skin, this is because some of the best treatments for frown lines are quite expensive, especially to low income earners. Surprisingly, few people care to prevent frown lines from appear on their skin. The following are ways you can prevent and reduce frown lines on your skin. Good sleep: Adequate sleep not only makes you look cool, but it can also help prevent frown lines between the brow. A good sleep will help to stimulate the growth of hormone, which promotes the production of collagen and elastin. Stop frowning: To prevent wrinkles, you should try to reduce the number of times or the rate at which you frown on a daily basis. A continuous or repeated frowning, especially for long time is not good if your aim is to reduce frown lines. Read the post five easy ways to stop frowning . Use sunscreen: Since sunlight is a major cause of frown lines, then it is advisable to protec