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Showing posts with the label wrinkles

Chemical Peel As An Option For Wrinkle Removal

Chemical peel is a popular method of skin revitalization. It is more effective in the treatment of fine wrinkles. Chemical peel uses chemicals such as phenol, glycolic acid or trichloracetic acid to smoothen the skin by removing the outer damage layer, thereby allowing the new regenerated underlying skin to be seen. Chemical peel is mostly used for lines and wrinkles on the face, but it can also be used to get rid of wrinkles on the neck and hand. There are three ways or methods of treating wrinkles with chemical peel. These are the light chemical peel; the medium chemical peel; and the deep chemical peel. The light chemical peel is used to treat fine wrinkles. What it does is to exfoliate the skin by removing the outer layer of the skin thereby exposing a healthier and glowing skin. To achieve good result, treatment is often done weekly for up to six weeks. The medium chemical peel is for deeper wrinkles. It works same way as the light chemical peel only that it goes deepe

5 Easy Ways to Prevent and Reduce Frown Lines

Prevention they say is better than cure and it is better to spend your money on other things than spending it curing something ordinarily would have been prevented. I often preach prevention because it is best way to stop frown lines on your skin. This is because some of the best treatments of frown lines are quite expensive especially to low income earners. Surprisingly, not many people care to prevent frown lines from appearing on their skin. The following are ways you can prevent and reduce frown lines on your skin.   Good sleep: Adequate sleep not only makes you look fresh, but can also help to prevent frown lines in between your forehead. Good sleep helps to stimulate the growth of hormones, thus promoting the production of collagen and elastin.   S top frowning: To prevent frown lines, you must try to reduce the number of times or the rate at which you frown daily. It is normal to frown in a while, but continuous or repeated frowning especially for long

Do You Get Wrinkles Quickly When You Exposure Your Skin in the Sun?

It is almost impossible to live your normal live and or engage in your normal daily activities without coming under the sun. This is especially true when you live in places where there is abundant or long period of sunlight. For example, the tropical regions of the world and summer in the temperate regions are regions with high sun heat and longer sun duration. It is common to find people out on sunny days. Too much exposure in the sun causes serious problems for the skin. Some of the common problems caused as a result of too much sun’s exposure include sunburn, cancer, dehydration, as well as wrinkling of the skin and so on. Most of the skin aging is caused by the sun’s rays. The sun’s UV rays is harmful as it can penetrate deep into the skin damaging the collagen in the skin thereby causing wrinkles to develop early and quickly on the skin. That is why people whose job or activities require they expose their skin in the sun without protection develop wrinkles quicker than those who