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How to Get Rid of Wrinkles

No one likes a wrinkled skin. I bet you, you look and feel old when you start to have wrinkle on your skin irrespective of your age, whether 30 years or 80 years.When wrinkles surfacing on your skin, then, getting rid of it becomes the next option. How to go about it matters a great deal.

What are wrinkles?
Wrinkles are small fold or line in the skin.

What are the causes of wrinkles?
There are several factors which are responsible for the formation of wrinkles on the skin. Knowing these causes is very important because it helps you to stay away from those things that causes wrinkles to develop early on your skin. Some of the causes range from natural aging process, exposure to sunlight, genetics, etc.
See post on causes of wrinkles.

How to prevent wrinkles
Prevention of wrinkles on your skin is very important. It helps you in two ways – it helps in stopping wrinkles from developing early on your skin. Secondly, it stops wrinkles from getting worse on your skin
Preventing wrinkles involves wearing sunscreen when going out no matter the weather, stimulating the production of collagen on your skin, etc. see post on how to prevent wrinkles
Wrinkles treatment
There are several ways you can effectively treat wrinkles on your skin. The most popular are Botox and Retinoid. See post on best wrinkles treatment to find out more.

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