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Laser Wrinkle Removal

Laser wrinkle removal is a no knife no blood solution to wrinkles. It removes wrinkles to a reasonable depth without bleeding. Laser wrinkle removal also known as the 'laser resurfacing' or 'laser peel' takes off the outer layer of the skin, thus, gives your skin a youthful rejuvenated appearance. Laser resurfacing is more effective in the treatment of minor wrinkles such as crow feet, frown Lines, fine lines, etc.
Many surgeons now prefer laser wrinkle removal to dermabrasion and chemical peels. Procedures for laser wrinkle removal are usually few minutes to one and half hour. This however depends on the area of the skin involved.

What is laser wrinkle removal?
Laser wrinkle removal is a method of exfoliating the skin using a laser beam. This leads to the exposure of a young and more vibrant skin.

Types of laser wrinkle removal
carbon dioxide (C02) and Erbium lasers are the most commonly used lasers for the treatment of wrinkles the C02 laser is more powerful and more intense f the two lasers for wrinkle removal it removes deeper wrinkles, lines and scars. However, it has a longer recovery period. On the other hand, the Erbium laser is less powerful and less intense it is recommended for inexperience hands. It does not remove deeper wrinkles that makes it best for smaller wrinkles and fine lines.

Advantages of laser wrinkle removal
  • Laser wrinkle removal can treat wrinkles caused from sun damage.
  • It removes fine lines around the mouth and around the eyes as well as wrinkles on the cheek.
  • It can also remove age spots, uneven pigmentation, chicken pox scarring, growth, as well as other condition on the skin.
  • Laser resurfacing encourages the stimulation of collagen, thus, encouraging its production. The collagen fiber in the skin is tightened as a result of the treatment.
  • Changes are evident soon after treatment. And it remains so for several years.

Disadvantages of laser wrinkle removal
  • Laser treatment does not have the power to remove very deep or stubborn wrinkles.
  • Several repeated treatment are involved before wrinkles are completely removed.
  • Treatment is not permanent. As one grows older, the wrinkles come back and more treatment will be needed.
  • It requires a recovery period, which can be lengthy at times.
  • Patient may be required to avoid the sun for some months after treatment so as to protect your skin from sun damage.
  • Patient may be required to wear bandage. This however depends on the level of skin removed.
  • The skin may swell after treatment/surgery.

Recovery period
The recovery period depend on the laser used. The deeper the resurfacing, the longer it takes for the patient to recover. However, recovery from this type of treatment can last up to 30 days.

At-home laser wrinkle removal
This is a devise designed to be used at the comfort of your home and maintaining your privacy. This devise is called Palomar Laser. It is effective in the treatment or removal of fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes. However, it is not designed to remove deeper wrinkles.

Last line
You can consult your doctor to find out the best method to remove wrinkles on your skin.

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