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How To Prevent Premature Wrinkles On The Skin

In my last post, I wrote about the causes of premature wrinkles on the skin. In this article, we shall look at how to prevent wrinkles from developing prematurely on the skin. Wrinkles are inevitable, whether we like it or not, we will one day all get wrinkles as we grow older. But, some people get it far early before their time and this calls for concern. How do you prevent this from happening? Many people expose themselves to conditions that favour the development of wrinkles on the skin, thus, making them susceptible or prone to premature wrinkles. Preventing wrinkles is very important and you must do so early. If you are still young, you can start now to prevent wrinkles by following the tips I am going to share below. But, if you already have wrinkles, you can do something to prevent the wrinkles from getting worse. 
Wrinkles and greys
Wrinkles and greys (Photo credit: spykster)
The following tips below will help you prevent premature wrinkling of the skin.  

How to prevent premature wrinkles  

  •  Wear sunscreen: Sunlight is one of the major causes of wrinkles. The sun’s rays are harmful and can cause havoc on the skin. Protect your skin from these rays by wearing sunscreen. Sunscreen with SPF protection can protect your skin from the sun’s damage. These days some skin care products now contain sunscreen SPF. You can use such products. It is important to note that it is not enough to apply sunscreen; you must ensure that you continue to reapply for about two hours interval for extra time spent in the sun. Do this more if you are spending longer time outdoor such as playing sports or involving in outdoor sporting activities. Another important point is to apply sunscreen no matter the weather outside including cloudy weather and during winter.  
  • Stop smoking: It is no longer new to us about what cigarette does to the health. Do you know it can also affect your skin thereby causing wrinkles? Smokers are likely going to develop “smoker lines” when they smoke often. It generally leads to wrinkles developing early in the skin. This is because it damages the collagen and elastin in the skin. These elements help to keep the skin together. When these proteins are damaged, wrinkles become inevitably close.  
  • Avoid dry skin: Try as much as possible to avoid dry skin. Take proper care of your skin. But if you already have dry skin, then you can do something fast about it to get it back to shape. People with dry skin tend to get wrinkles faster than those who do not or who have a different skin type. For those with dry skin, the best thing to do is to moisturize. You have to moisturize both internally and externally. By internally, I mean by drinking enough water to make and keep the skin hydrated. Externally you can moisturize your skin by making use of moisturizing products.  
  • Stop frequent facial expression: Sometimes we do make faces or have facial expression to show our feelings or for fun. Whatever your reasons are, frequent facial movements can cause wrinkles to develop faster along the areas of the face where the movements is made. For those who frown a lot, they are prone to developing frown lines early. 
The above are some of the ways by which you can prevent premature wrinkles on the skin. Follow the steps and you will prolong the development of wrinkles on your skin. But, if you are not sure of what to do or you want extra advice, I would suggest you contact your skin doctor or dermatologist.

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